Events with us

This page was updated on 20.2.2024 and is updated regularly

Here you will find all of spring's upcoming events.

All online events are marked with ONLINE, and any links will appear during the event.

11.3 Company presentation
21.3 Our body care products we go through our body care products and how you can use them.
25.3 Our facial care products,, we go through our facial care products and how you can use them. You get the skin therapists' best tips for healthy and well-being skin. We share link here.
4.4 Haircare tips, we go through eco-haircare and our products, can you actually wash your hair with a harsh soap? What is acid rinse? We clarify some concepts in green hair care! We share link here.
Haircare video
20.4 Skin care with us! At 14.30 Instagram Live, more info to come.
Other events during the spring:
1.5 POP-up Stormossen Vaasa, throughout the month of May you will find our products at Stormossen in Vaasa.
1.5 POP-up The Loft, throughout May and until midsummer, we will decorate with our products in "Anna's room at the Loft". (Also other events are promised at the Loft together with us during this time, updated immediately when we know the date)
4.5 SPRING GLOW eventmore info to come! Earlybird from 5.4
17-18.5 Green Beauty Day STHLM - The Nordics' largest fair in green beauty! Welcome to meet us at the Grand Hotel during Green Beauty Day!


Vi lanserar ett nytt samarbete och vill bjuda in dig, läs mer genom att klicka här.
Tema: Hopp & Hudvård 🌟
Anmäl dig här.
29-30.3 Ställer vi ut på Aurora Divina i Vasa för första gången. Besök vår monter och låt dig inspireras av naturlig skönhet.

Aurora Divina Vasa

Köp din biljett idag.

Kom och skapa din egen dofolja vid Ekosoppi i Vasa tillsammans med oss den 12.4.25

Vi bjuder in till workshop i Vasa vid Ekosoppi. Kom och skapa dina egna doftoljor. Anmäl dig gärna till dagen.
Anmäl ditt intresse här 💚